The word, “Trinity” is not in the bible, but the truth of the Trinity is all over it! The doctrine of the Trinity states that there is One God who makes Himself known in Three persons: the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. In simple terms we can say that God is One “what” and Three “whos”. He is the great three in One! Our minds might not be able to comprehend how this is true, but this is what the bible reveals about the nature of God and we should be content to let the mystery of it remain mystery.
Even though we can not fully comprehend and explain how our One God can and does exist in Three persons we can be sure that this is true. The reason for our confidence comes as we read about the nature and work of each person of the God-head in the Holy Scriptures. For instance, look at 2 Thessalonians 2:13. In this verse Paul is giving thanks to God for the faith of the Thessalonians. He says, “we give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit, and belief in the truth.”
Each person of the God-head plays a role in our salvation. The Father chooses us, the Son loves us, and the Spirit makes us holy! Chew on that truth today and see if it does not enhance the way you think about God.
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